The JavaScript Object Notation is specified by ECMA. The syntax defines three types of elements: - objects, a set of key-value pairs, where keys are supposed to be unique; - values, which are either strings, numbers, boolean, or the primitive 'null'; - and, arrays, which specify sequences (containing other arrays, objects, or values).

According to Facade-X model, SPARQL Anything interprets objects and arrays as containers: - RDF properties are used to link objects to values. - Arrays are represented by the ordered sequence component. - Values are expressed as rdf:Literal, selecting relevant XSD datatypes from the RDFS specification: xsd:string, xsd:boolean, xsd:int, xsd:float

Currently, fields with the 'null' value are ignored.


SPARQL Anything selects this transformer for the following file extensions:

  • .json

Default implementation

Media types

SPARQL Anything selects this transformer for the following media types:

  • application/json
  • application/problem+json

Default transformation


    "stringArg": "stringValue",
    "intArg": 1,
    "booleanArg": true,
    "nullArg": null,
    "arr": [ 0, 1 ]


    ?s ?p ?o .
  { SERVICE <x-sparql-anything:location=https://sparql-anything.cc/examples/simple.json>
      { ?s  ?p  ?o }

Facade-X RDF

@prefix xyz:    <http://sparql.xyz/facade-x/data/> .
@prefix fx:   <http://sparql.xyz/facade-x/ns/> .
@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
@prefix xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .
[ a fx:root ;
    xyz:arr [
        rdf:_1  "0"^^xsd:int ;
        rdf:_2  "1"^^xsd:int ] ;
    xyz:booleanArg  true ;
    xyz:intArg "1"^^xsd:int ;
    xyz:stringArg "stringValue"
] .

Example 1

Consider the following input, also located at https://sparql-anything.cc/example1.json

    "summary":"Follows the personal and professional lives of six twenty to thirty-something-year-old friends living in Manhattan.",
      "Jennifer Aniston",
      "Courteney Cox",
      "Lisa Kudrow",
      "Matt LeBlanc",
      "Matthew Perry",
      "David Schwimmer"
    "name":"Cougar Town",
    "summary":"Jules is a recently divorced mother who has to face the unkind realities of dating in a world obsessed with beauty and youth. As she becomes older, she starts discovering herself.",
      "Courteney Cox",
      "David Arquette",
      "Bill Lawrence",
      "Linda Videtti Figueiredo",
      "Blake McCormick"

With SPARQL Anything you can select the TV series starring "Courteney Cox" with the SPARQL query:

PREFIX xyz: <http://sparql.xyz/facade-x/data/>
PREFIX rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>
PREFIX fx: <http://sparql.xyz/facade-x/ns/>

SELECT ?seriesName

    SERVICE <x-sparql-anything:https://sparql-anything.cc/example1.json> {
        ?tvSeries xyz:name ?seriesName .
        ?tvSeries xyz:stars ?star .
        ?star fx:anySlot "Courteney Cox" .


and get this result:

"Cougar Town"

Example 2

Consider a JSON file with the following content:

  "Part01_001MIDDE": {
    "builder": "Peter Gerritsz",
    "originallocation": "Utrecht, Nicolaikerk",
    "year": "1479"
  "Part01_002UTREJ": {
    "builder": "Gerrit Petersz",
    "originallocation": "",
    "year": "1509"

the query:

PREFIX rdf:  <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>
PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>
PREFIX fx:   <http://sparql.xyz/facade-x/ns/>
PREFIX xyz:  <http://sparql.xyz/facade-x/data/>
PREFIX oont: <uri:todo/>
construct {
    ?organ a oont:Organ ;
        oont:builder ?builder_string ;
        oont:consolelocation ?location_string ;
        oont:dateOfBirth ?year_string ;
 SERVICE <x-sparql-anything:> {
    fx:properties fx:location "/app/history_base.json"  .
bind(iri(concat(str(xyz:),?_organ)) as ?organ_slot)
?root a fx:root ;
      ?organ_slot ?organ .
?organ xyz:builder ?builder_string ;
       xyz:originallocation ?location_string ;
       xyz:year ?year_string .

when invoked via the command line, as follows:

java -jar /app/sparql-anything-cli/target/sparql-anything-0.9.0-SNAPSHOT.jar -q 332.rq -values organ=Part01_002UTREJ

generates the following RDF:

@prefix fx:   <http://sparql.xyz/facade-x/ns/> .
@prefix oont: <uri:todo/> .
@prefix rdf:  <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
@prefix xyz:  <http://sparql.xyz/facade-x/data/> .

[ rdf:type              oont:Organ ;
  oont:builder          "Gerrit Petersz" ;
  oont:consolelocation  "" ;
  oont:dateOfBirth      "1509"
] .



Option name Description Valid Values Default Value
json.path One or more JsonPath expressions as filters. E.g. json.path=value or json.path.1, json.path.2, ... to add multiple expressions. Any valid JsonPath (see JsonSurfer implementation))



The json.path option is only recommended if users need to filter a large JSON file, for example, in combination with the slice option. It will pre-process the JSON before the execution of the query. In most cases, it is easier to query the JSON using a triple pattern, as in the example described before.


One or more JsonPath expressions as filters. E.g. json.path=value or json.path.1, json.path.2, ... to add multiple expressions.

Valid Values

Any valid JsonPath (see JsonSurfer implementation)

Default Value

Not set



Located at https://sparql-anything.cc/example1.json

    "summary":"Follows the personal and professional lives of six twenty to thirty-something-year-old friends living in Manhattan.",
      "Jennifer Aniston",
      "Courteney Cox",
      "Lisa Kudrow",
      "Matt LeBlanc",
      "Matthew Perry",
      "David Schwimmer"
    "name":"Cougar Town",
    "summary":"Jules is a recently divorced mother who has to face the unkind realities of dating in a world obsessed with beauty and youth. As she becomes older, she starts discovering herself.",
      "Courteney Cox",
      "David Arquette",
      "Bill Lawrence",
      "Linda Videtti Figueiredo",
      "Blake McCormick"
Use Case 1: Constructing a Facade-X RDF Graph selecting only containers that match the Json Path $[?(@.name=="Friends")].

PREFIX  xyz:  <http://sparql.xyz/facade-x/data/>
PREFIX  fx:   <http://sparql.xyz/facade-x/ns/>
PREFIX  rdf:  <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>

    ?s ?p ?o .
  { SERVICE <x-sparql-anything:location=https://sparql-anything.cc/example1.json>
      { fx:properties
                  fx:json.path  "$[?(@.name==\"Friends\")]" .
        ?s        ?p            ?o


@prefix fx:  <http://sparql.xyz/facade-x/ns/> .
@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
@prefix xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .
@prefix xyz: <http://sparql.xyz/facade-x/data/> .

[ rdf:type  fx:root ;
  rdf:_1    [ xyz:genres     [ rdf:_1  "Comedy" ;
                               rdf:_2  "Romance"
                             ] ;
              xyz:language   "English" ;
              xyz:name       "Friends" ;
              xyz:premiered  "1994-09-22" ;
              xyz:stars      [ rdf:_1  "Jennifer Aniston" ;
                               rdf:_2  "Courteney Cox" ;
                               rdf:_3  "Lisa Kudrow" ;
                               rdf:_4  "Matt LeBlanc" ;
                               rdf:_5  "Matthew Perry" ;
                               rdf:_6  "David Schwimmer"
                             ] ;
              xyz:status     "Ended" ;
              xyz:summary    "Follows the personal and professional lives of six twenty to thirty-something-year-old friends living in Manhattan."
] .

Use Case 2: Retrieving the language of the TV series named "Friends".
PREFIX  xyz:  <http://sparql.xyz/facade-x/data/>
PREFIX  fx:   <http://sparql.xyz/facade-x/ns/>
PREFIX  rdf:  <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>

SELECT  ?language
  { SERVICE <x-sparql-anything:location=https://sparql-anything.cc/example1.json>
      { fx:properties
                  fx:json.path  "$[?(@.name==\"Friends\")]" .
        _:b0      xyz:language  ?language
| language  |
| "English" |
Use Case 3: Retrieving the lists of stars of the TV Series named "Friends" and "Cougar Town".

PREFIX  xyz:  <http://sparql.xyz/facade-x/data/>
PREFIX  fx:   <http://sparql.xyz/facade-x/ns/>
PREFIX  rdf:  <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>

    ?s ?p ?o .
  { SERVICE <x-sparql-anything:location=https://sparql-anything.cc/example1.json>
      { fx:properties
                  fx:json.path.1  "$[?(@.name==\"Friends\")].stars" ;
                  fx:json.path.2  "$[?(@.name==\"Cougar Town\")].stars" .
        ?s        ?p              ?o


@prefix fx:  <http://sparql.xyz/facade-x/ns/> .
@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
@prefix xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .
@prefix xyz: <http://sparql.xyz/facade-x/data/> .

[ rdf:type  fx:root ;
  rdf:_1    [ rdf:_1  "Jennifer Aniston" ;
              rdf:_2  "Courteney Cox" ;
              rdf:_3  "Lisa Kudrow" ;
              rdf:_4  "Matt LeBlanc" ;
              rdf:_5  "Matthew Perry" ;
              rdf:_6  "David Schwimmer"
            ] ;
  rdf:_2    [ rdf:_1  "Courteney Cox" ;
              rdf:_2  "David Arquette" ;
              rdf:_3  "Bill Lawrence" ;
              rdf:_4  "Linda Videtti Figueiredo" ;
              rdf:_5  "Blake McCormick"
] .